NO1 Order Table (NO1 Dining Table) is a long-selling product of our company (R-Tech Limited), a furniture manufacturer.
Our company has 6 stores on the Rakuten market alone, selling furniture, Among them, the NO1 Dining Table has become a hit product at the Interior Street Company store, and has received over 600 customer reviews.
In addition, if you add the other five stores, the number of reviews exceeds 1,000.
No other dining table made in Japan has received this many reviews on Rakuten, Our NO1 dining table seems to be the only Japanese dining table with this many reviews on Rakuten.
We believe that the simplicity of the design, its ability to be ordered in any size, and its reasonable price for a domestic product have been the reasons for its uninterrupted popularity for more than 10 years.
In addition to walnut, we will be manufacturing and selling oak and cherry, and starting in 2024, we will also be adding maple, which is known as one of the whitest woods available.
As mentioned above, because of its simple design, this table has a kind of nostalgia that can match any room.
Also, the table can be ordered according to the size of the room in which it will be placed, so we are sure that you will not make a mistake in buying this table.
無垢材(オーク) solid wood (ork)
ウレタン塗装もしくはオイル塗装 Urethane paint or oil paint
Product explanation
NO1 Order Table (NO1 Dining Table) is a long-selling product
of our company (R-Tech Limited), a furniture manufacturer.
Our company has 6 stores on the Rakuten market alone, selling furniture,
Among them, the NO1 Dining Table has become a hit product at the Interior Street Company store,
and has received over 600 customer reviews.
In addition, if you add the other five stores, the number of reviews exceeds 1,000.
No other dining table made in Japan has received this many reviews on Rakuten,
Our NO1 dining table seems to be the only Japanese dining table with this many reviews on Rakuten.
We believe that the simplicity of the design, its ability to be ordered in any size,
and its reasonable price for a domestic product have been the reasons
for its uninterrupted popularity for more than 10 years.
In addition to walnut, we will be manufacturing and selling oak and cherry, and starting in 2024,
we will also be adding maple, which is known as one of the whitest woods available.
As mentioned above, because of its simple design, this table has a kind of nostalgia that can match any room.
Also, the table can be ordered according to the size of the room in
which it will be placed, so we are sure that you will not make a mistake in buying this table.
楽天市場】【1cm刻みでオーダー可】NO1オーダーテーブル 幅120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 ダイニングテーブル 食卓テーブル 会議机 無垢 天然木 オーク 日本製 大川家具 4人用 NO1ダイニング : 家具の工場 アールテック
楽天市場】【1cm刻みでオーダー可】NO1オーダーテーブル 幅120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 ダイニングテーブル 食卓テーブル 会議机 無垢 天然木 オーク 日本製 大川家具 4人用 NO1ダイニング : 家具の工場 アールテック
楽天市場】【1cm刻みでオーダー可】NO1オーダーテーブル 幅120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 ダイニングテーブル 食卓テーブル 会議机 無垢 天然木 オーク 日本製 大川家具 4人用 NO1ダイニング : 家具の工場 アールテック
時寛 ダイニングテーブル 低めのテーブルも可能 オーク 無垢 ※テーブル脚 仕様変更になりました 150 160 170 180 高さ60 65 70cm-上質な家具・インテリアの通販 大阪マルキン家具
ダイニングテーブル 三角形 ホワイトオーク 天然木 MY 130 UV 変形テーブルA|家具の通販tac INTERIOR(タックインテリア)